

- Tau-Charm Factory

- LHC Optics and Upgrade

- Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS)

- Future Linear Colliders

- High-Gradient RF Structure Studies

- Medical Physics

- Outreach

Tau-Charm Factory

  1. Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), Washington 1993. A. Faus-Golfe, J. Le Duff, A versatile lattice for a Tau-Charm Factory that includes a Monochomatization Scheme (Low-Emittance) and a Standard Lattice (High-Emittance). Poster, Proceedings.
  2. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC), Londres 1994. A. Faus-Golfe and J. Le Duff,    A versatile TBA lattice for a Tau-Charm factory with and without beam monochromatization. Poster, Proceedings.
  3. Advanced ICFA Workshop on Beam Dynamics Issues for e+e- Factories, Frascati, 1997. A. Faus-Golfe and J. Le Duff, Versatile DBA and TBA lattices for a Tau-Charm Factory with and without monochromatization scheme.  Oral, Poster, Proceedings.

LHC Optics and Upgrade

  1. Workshop on Single-Particle Effects in Large Hadron Collider, Montreux, 1995. A. Faus-Golfe, Does ramp shape matter?. Oral, Proceedings.
  2. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges 1996. A. Faus-Golfe and A. Verdier, Dynamic Aperture limitations of the LHC in Physics Conditions due to low-beta insertions. Poster, Proceedings.
  3. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges 1996. A. Faus-Golfe, J.P. Koutchouk, A. Verdier and S. Weisz, Modular Optical design of  the LHC experimental insertions. Poster, Proceedings.
  4. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges 1996. L. Bottura, A. Faus-Golfe, L. Walkciers and R. Wolf, Field quality of the main dipole magnets for the LHC accelerator. Poster, Proceedings.
  5. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges 1996. R. Bartolini, A. Faus-Golfe, M. Giovannozzi, W. Scandale and E. Todesco, Early indicators of long term stability in hadron colliders. Oral, Poster, Proceedings.
  6. Workshop on Nonlinearand Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics: Theory and Experiments, Arcidosso, 1996. A. Faus-Golfe and A. Verdier, Multipole compensation scheme for LHC low-beta insertions. Oral, Poster, Proceedings.
  7. Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver 1997. A. Faus-Golfe and A. Verdier, Multipole compensation in the LHC low-beta insertions. Poster, Proceedings.
  8. Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver 1997. M.Böge, A. Faus-Golfe, J. Gareyte, H. Grote, J.P. Koutchouk, J. Miles, Q. Quing, T. Risselada, F. Schmidt and S. Weisz, Overview of the LHC Dynamic Aperture Studies. Poster, Proceedings.
  9. Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver 1997. A. Faus-Golfe, H. Grote, J.P. Koutchouk, T. Risselada, A. Verdier and S. Weisz, A more robust and flexible lattice for LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  10. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Estocolmo, 1998. A. Faus-Golfe, Feasibility study for a high-beta insertion optics in the LHC Version 5.0 for the TOTEM experiment. Poster, Proceedings.
  11. 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 99), Salt Lake City, 1999. J. Velasco, J. Perez-Peraza, A. Gallegos-Cruz, M. Alvarez-Madrigal, A. Faus-Golfe and A. Sanchez-Hertz, Proton-Proton total cross sections estimations at very high-energies. Oral, Proceedings.
  12. XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Valencia 1999. A. Faus-Golfe, Adaptación de la óptica electromagnética (Versión 6.0) de las inserciones  experimentales de ATLAS y CMS para el experimento TOTEM en el LHC del CERN. Oral, Proceedings.
  13. ATLAS mini-Workshop on Luminosity and Forward detectors, CERN Ginebra, 2000. A. Faus-Golfe, Studies of the LHC insertion optics. Oral.
  14. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Viena 2000. A. Faus-Golfe, Optimized high-beta insertion optics for IR1 and IR5 for the TOTEM experiment at different energies of the LHC Version 6.0. Poster, Proceedings.
  15. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Viena 2000. A. Faus-Golfe, M. Haguenauer and J. Velasco, Precise measurement of the total cross section and the Coulomb scattering at the LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  16. International Workshop on observing ultra-high coscmic rays from space and earth, Metepec, 2000. J. Velasco, J. Perez-Peraza, A. Gallegos-Cruz, M. Alvarez-Madrigal, A. Faus-Golfe and A. Sanchez-Hertz, Prediction of stotpp with highly confident uncertainty bound. Oral, Proceedings.
  17. International Workshop on observing ultra-high cosmic rays from space and earth, Metepec, 2000. J. Velasco, J. Perez-Peraza, A. Gallegos-Cruz, M. Alvarez-Madrigal, A. Faus-Golfe and A. Sanchez-Hertz, Parametrization of hadronic cross section in the range 10-2-102 TeV. Oral, Proceedings.
  18. LHC Workshop Chamonix XI, Chamonix 2001. F. Schmidt, R. Tomás and A. Faus-Golfe, Measuremet of resonant terms. Oral, Proceedings.
  19. Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, 2001. F. Schmidt, R. Tomás and A. Faus-Golfe, Measuremet of resonant terms. Oral, Poster, Proceedings.
  20. ATLAS mini-Workshop on Luminosity and Forward detectors, Valencia, 2001. A. Faus-Golfe, Studies of the LHC insertion optics. Oral.
  21. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris 2002. A. Faus-Golfe and A. Verdier, Optics Studies for Diffractive Physics at the LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  22. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris 2002. A. Faus-Golfe, M. Haguenauer and J. Velasco. Luminosity determination using Coulomb Scattering at the LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  23. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerna 2004. A. Faus-Golfe, I. Efthymiopoulos, P. Graftrom, M.Haguenauer and M. Rijssembeek, A very high-beta optics to be used for an absolute luminosity determination with forward detectors in ATLAS. Poster, Proceedings.
  24. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerna 2004. A. Faus-Golfe and A. Verdier, High-beta and very High-beta Optics studies for LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  25. Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville 2005. A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta,  R. Assmann, S. Redaelli, G. Robert-Delamoize, D. Schulte and F. Zimmermann, Exploring a Non Linear Collimation Sytem for the LHC. Poster, Proceedings.
  26. CARE HHH-APD Workshop Towards a Roadmap for the upgrade of the LHC and GSI Accelerator Complex (LHC-LUMI 06), Valencia 2006. A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta lópez and F. Zimmermann, Decreasing the LHC Impedance with a Nonlinear Collimation System. Poster, Proceedings.
  27. CARE HHH-APD Workshop Towards a Roadmap for the upgrade of the LHC and GSI Accelerator Complex (LHC-LUMI 06), Valencia 2006. A. Faus-Golfe, Limits on Chromaticity Correction. Oral, Proceedings.

Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS)

  1. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris 2002. G. Arduini, P. Collier, A. Faus-Golfe and F. Zimmermann, Modelling Nonlinear Optics in the CERN SPS. Poster, Proceedings.
  2. Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, 2003. G.Arduini, A. Faus-Golfe, N. Iida,  R. Tomás  and F.  Zimmermann, 2002 Nonlinear Optics Measuremt and Modelling for the CERN SPS. Poster, Proceedings.
  3. Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville 2005. G. Arduini, A. Faus-Golfe, R. Tomas and F. Zimmermann, 2003-2004 Nonlinear Optics Measurements ans Modeling for the CERN SPS. Poster, Proceedings.

Future Linear Colliders

  1. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris 2002. A. Faus-Golfe and F. Zimmermann, A Nonlinear Collimation System for CLIC. Poster, Proceedings.
  2. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris 2002. M. Aleksa, R.. Assmann, G.A. Blair, H. Burkhardt, A. Faus-Golfe, S.Redaelli, T. Risselada, S. Russenschuck, D. Schulte and F. Zimmermann, Design Status of the CLIC Beam Delivery System. Poster, Proceedings.
  3. 26th ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams, Laussane, 2002. M. Aleksa, R.. Assmann, G.A. Blair, J.B. Jeanneret, H. Burkhardt, A. Faus-Golfe, S.Redaelli, T. Risselada, S. Russenschuck, D. Schulte and F. Zimmermann, CLIC Beam Delivery System. Oral, Proceedings.
  4. 26th ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop 2002 Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams, Laussane, 2002. R. Assmann, H. Braun, H. Burkhardt, R. Corsini, A. Faus-Golfe, S.Redaelli, D. Schulte, M. Velasco and F.  Zimmermann, Beam-Dynamics Studies and Advanced Accelerator Research at CTF-3: Compact Final Focus, Laser Compton Scattering, Plasmas, etc… Oral, Proceedings.
  5. 29th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop:  Bema Halo Dynamics, Diagnostic and Collimation (Halo03), Nueva York, 2003. R. Assmann, H. Burkhardt, S. Fartoukh, J.B. Jeanneret, J. Pancin, S. Redaelli, T. Risselada, D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann,  A. Faus-Golfe, H. J. Schreiber and G.A. Blair, Collimation for CLIC. Invited Oral, Poster, Proceedings.
  6. ILC- European Regional Meeting (ILC-BDIR), Oxford 2005. A. Faus-Golfe, Non Linear Collimation. Oral.
  7. Nanobeam 05, Kyoto 2005. A. Faus-Golfe, Alternative Design of the Collimation System. Oral, Proceedings.
  8. First Workshop on the Future Intenational Linear Collider, Gandia 2005. A. Faus-Golfe, Participation in the Design and R&D Activities for a Future Linear Collider: Accelerator and Detector aspects. Oral.
  9. European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edimburgo 2006. A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta Lopez and F. Zimmermann, Nonlinear Collimation in Linear and Circular Colliders. Oral invitado, Poster, Proceedings.
  10. Electron Accelerator R&D for the Energy Frontier (EUROTeV), Orsay 2006. A. Faus-Golfe, New Progress of the Nonlinear Collimation System for CLIC. Oral.
  11. XXXV International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Santiago de Compostela 2007. A. Faus-Golfe,  The International Linear Collider: Machine Aspects. Oral invitado.
  12. Linear Collider Workshop 2007 and International Linear Collider meeting 2007 (LCWS07), Hamburgo 2007. M. Alabau Pons, P. Bambade, A. Faus-Golfe, Simulated Effect of Non-linearities in the ATF Extraction Line. Oral.
  13. CTF3 Collaboration Technical Meeting, CERN Ginebra 2008. A. Faus-Golfe and G. Montoro, TBL BPM: Mechanics and Electronics. Oral.
  14. European Particle Accelerator, Genova 2008. A.  Faus-Golfe, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos and J. V. Civera-Navarrete, Design and Construction of an Inductive Pick-up for Beam Position Monitoring in the Test Beam Line of the CTF3. Poster, Proceedings.
  15. European Particle Accelerator, Genova 2008. M. Alabau, A. Faus-Golfe, P. Bambade, J. Brossard, R. Appleby, A. Scarfe, J. Jones, S. Kuroda, M. Woodley, F. Zimmermann, Study of Abnormal Vertical Emittance Growth in ATF Extraction Line. Poster, Proceedings.
  16. CLIC08, CERN Ginebra 2008. A. Faus-Golfe. J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, and J. V. Civera-Navarrete, Status on the construction of BPS at CTF3. Oral.
  17. 7th ATF2 project Meeting, KEK 2008. M. Alabau Pons, A. Faus-Golfe, P. Bambade, G. le Meur, F. Touze, S. Kuroda and M. Woodley, Study of the non-linear magnetic field in the ATF extraction region on the emittance growth. Oral.
  18. CTF3 Collaboration Technical Meeting, CERN Ginebra 2009. A. Faus-Golfe, Status on the construction of the BPS series for the TBL of CTF3. Oral.
  19. Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver 2009. M. Alabau Pons, A. Faus-Golfe, P. Bambade, G. Le Meur, F. Touze, M. Woodley, S. Kuroda, KEK, Effect of the Non-linear Magnetic Fields on the Emittance Growth in the ATF Extraction Line. Poster, Proceedings.
  20. Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver 2009. C. Blanch-Gutierrez, J.V. Civera-Navarrete, A. Faus-Golfe, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, Construction and Characterization of the Inductive Pick-up series for Beam Position Monitoring in the TBL line of the CTF3 at CERN. Poster, Proceedings.
  21. 9th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC 09), Basilea 2009. C. Blanch-Gutierrez, J.V. Civera-Navarrete, A. Faus-Golfe, J.J. Garcıa-Garrigos, Characterization tests of the Beam Position Monitor Series Production for the TBL line of the CTF3 at CERN. Poster, Proceedings.
  22. IV Jornadas sobre la Participación española en los Futuros Colisionadores Lineales, CIEMAT Madrid 2009. A. Faus-Golfe, I+D en Aceleradores en el IFIC. Oral.
  23. 9th ATF2 Project Meeting, KEK 2009. J. Alabau Gozalvo, C. Blanch, A. Faus-Golfe, J.V. Civera, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, D. McCormick, G. White, J. Cruz, Status of the Multi-OTR Project at KEK. Oral.
  24. 1st Annual EUCARD Meeting, STFC-RAL Oxford, UK 2010.
  25. 4th Annual X-Band Structure Collaboration Meeting, CERN Ginebra 2010.
  26. CTF3 Collaboration Technical Meeting, CERN Ginebra 2010.
  27. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japon 2010. J. Alabau Gozalvo, C. Blanch, A. Faus-Golfe, J.V. Civera, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, D. McCormick, G. White, J. Cruz, Multi Optical Transition Radiation System for ATF2. Poster, Proceedings.
  28. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japon 2010. C. Blanch, A. Faus-Golfe, J.V. Civera, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, Development and Test Benchmarks of the Beam Position Monitor series fort he TBL line of the CTF3 at CERN. Poster, Proceedings.
  29. 10th ATF2 Project Meeting, KEK Japon 2010. J. Alabau Gozalvo, C. Blanch, A. Faus-Golfe, J.V. Civera, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, D. McCormick, G. White, J. Cruz, Multi-OTR status. Oral.
  30. 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP10), Paris 2010.
  31. XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10), Tsukuba, Japon 2010. E.Adli, S.Dobert, R. Lillestol, M. Olvegaard, I. Syratchev, D. Carrillo, F. Toral, A. Faus-Golfe, J.J. Garcia-Garrigos, G. Montoro, Commissioning Status of the Decelerator Test Beam Line in CTF3. Poster, Proceedings.

High-Gradient RF Structure Studies

  1. 4th Annual X-band Structure Collaboration Meeting, CERN Ginebra 2010. S. Verdú-Andrés, U. Amaldi, R. Bonomi, A. Degiovanni, M. Garlasché, A. Garonna, C. Mellace and R. Wegner. High-Gradient Test of a 3 GHz Single-Cell Cavity. Oral, Poster.
  2. XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10), Tsukuba 2010. S. Verdú-Andrés, U. Amaldi, R. Bonomi, A. Degiovanni, M. Garlasché, A. Garonna, C. Mellace, P. Pearce and R. Wegner. High-Gradient Test of a 3 GHz Single-Cell Cavity. Poster, Proceedings.
  3. International Workshop on Linear Colliders, Ginebra 2010. U. Amaldi, R. Bonomi, A. Degiovanni, M. Garlasché, S. Verdú-Andrés and R. Wegner. TERA High-Gradient Test Cavities. Poster.
  4. KEK Accelerator Group seminar, KEK Tsukuba 2010. S. Verdú-Andrés, High-Gradient Studies for the Cyclinac, an Accelerator for Hadrontherapy. Oral.
  5. 5th Collaboration Meeting on X-band Accelerator Structure Design and Test Program, SLAC California 2011. S. Verdú-Andrés et al. A Comparative Study of Breakdown Behaviour at C- and X-band. Oral.
  6. 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC11), San Sebastián 2011. D. Alesini, R. Boni, G. Di Pirro, R. Di Pirro, R. Di Roddo, M. Ferrario, A. Gallo, V. Lollo, F. Marcellini, T. Higo, K. Kakihara, S. Matsumoto, G. Campogiani, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, S. Persichelli, V. Spizzo and S. Verdú-Andrés. Design, Fabrication and High Power RF Test of a C-band Accelerating Structure for Feasibility Study of the SPARC Photo-Injector Energy Upgrade. Poster, Proceedings.
  7. 7th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation in Space (MULCOPIM), Valencia 2011. S. Verdú-Andrés, D. Alesini, R. Boni, G. Di Pirro, R. Di Raddo, M. Ferrario, A. Gallo, V. Lollo, F. Marcellini, L. Palumbo, B. Spataro, V. Spizzo, A. Enomoto, T. Higo, K. Kakihara, T. Kamitani, S. Matsumoto, T. Sugimura, K. Yokoyama, J. Kovermann and W. Wuensch,. The Test of the C-band Structure Prototype for SPARC, an example of High Power RF Test of High-Gradient Performance Accelerating Structures. Oral, Proceedings.
  8. 7th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation in Space (MULCOPIM), Valencia 2011. M. Dehler, S. Verdú-Andrés, W. Wuensch, Á. Faus-Golfe, B. Gimeno-Martínez, J. Kovermann, V. Boria and D. Raboso, Comparative Study of Experimental Signals from Multipactor and
    . Oral, Proceedings.
  9. CLIC collaboration working meeting, CERN Ginebra 2011. S. Verdú-Andrés, Test Infrastructure in Valencia. Oral.
  10. Cockcroft Institute seminar, Darebury 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, High-Gradient Accelerating Structure Studies and their Application in Hadrontherapy. Oral.
  11. International Workshop on Breakdown Science and High Gradient Technology, KEK, Tsukuba 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, U. Amaldi, D. Bergesio, R. Bonomi, A. Degiovanni, M. Garlaschè and P. Magagnin, 3 GHz TERA Single-Cell Cavity Tests. Poster.
  12. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) seminar, Palo Alto 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, High-Gradient Accelerating Structure Studies and their Application in Hadrontherapy. Oral.
  13. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) collaboration meeting, Fermilab, Illinois 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, High-Gradient Accelerating Structure Studies and their Application in Hadrontherapy. Oral.

Medical Physics

  1. International Workshop IFIMED: Research on Imaging and Accelerators applied to Medicine, Valencia, 2007.  A. Faus-Golfe, IFIMED: the Accelerator complex. Oral invitado.
  2. IFIMED’09 Symposium: Research on Imaging and Accelerators applied to Medicine, Valencia, 2009. A. Faus-Golfe, Present and Future of accelerators for Medicine. Oral invitado.
  3. 1st ENLIGHT-PARTNER Meeting, Valencia 2009.
  4. Physics for Health in Europe Workshop, CERN Ginebra 2010.
  5. Physics for Health in Europe Workshop, CERN Ginebra 2010. A. Degiovanni, U. Amaldi, R. Bonomi, M. Garlasché, A. Garonna, S. Verdú-Andrés and R. Wegner. A Cyclotron + Linac Complex for Carbon Ion Therapy. Oral, Poster.
  6. 49th Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG), Gunma 2010. A. Garonna, U. Amaldi, R. Bonomi, D. Campo, A. Degiovanni, M. Garlasché, I. Mondino and S. Verdú Andrés. A Cyclotron-Linac Complex for Carbon Ion Therapy. Poster.
  7. ENLIGHT-PARTNER MidTerm Review Meeting, KI Stockholm 2010. S. Verdú-Andrés. Advances of the PARTNER workpackage “New Accelerators for Hadrontherapy”. Oral.
  8. 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC11), San Sebastián 2011. S. Verdú-Andrés, U. Amaldi, A. Degiovanni, Á. Faus-Golfe and P. A. Posocco,  Feasibility Study of a High-Gradient Linac for Hadrontherapy. Poster, Proceedings.
  9. International Conference on Translational Reasearch in Radio-Oncology and Physics for Health in Europe (ICTR-PHE), Geneva 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, U. Amaldi, A. Degiovanni, Á. Faus-Golfe and P. Posocco, CABOTO, a Carbon Ion LInac for Hadrontherapy. Poster.
  10. IVICFA – Medical Physics Workshop, IFIC, Valencia 2012. S. Verdú-Andrés, Accelerators for Hadrontherapy. Oral.


  1. Researchers’ Night 2010, Ginebra 2010. S. Verdú-Andrés. Oral.